Natural beeswax

Here are a series of benefits and unexpected uses of beeswax:
- Treats diaper dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema
- Moisturizes, reduces stretch marks, treats jock itch and fungal infections on skin
- Normalizes liver function and improves symptoms of fatty liver
- Lowers cholesterol levels
- Relieves pain and is anti-inflammatory
- Clears acne
- Heals dry, cracked lips
- Relieves stress and promotes relaxation
- In addition, beeswax is also used as wax base to produce raw honey



Beeswax is produced by the glands of worker bees, which they need to build the honeycomb and to seal the top of honey-filled cells.

  • Nutritional ingredients:

- Research shows that to make 1kg of beeswax, you must use more than 3kg of honey and a small amount of pollen. Therefore, beeswax is a nutritious food that is not inferior to honey.

- Beeswax contains over 300 natural compounds, among which the main component is fatty-acid esters and other nutrients such as caffeine, phenethyl ester acid (CAPE) and bioflavonoids. Flavonoids have 20-30 different types, of which the most important are chrysin, pinocembrin and galangin. In addition, beeswax also contains monosaccharides, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, pro-vitamin A, E, D, nicotinic acid, folic acid, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc.

    • Color and aroma:

Fresh beeswax is almost pure white, whereas later it turns a yellowish brown color. It has a pleasant scent reminiscent of honey, propolis and pollen.

    • Functions:

For health:

    • Reduces blood cholesterol and reduce pain effectively
    • Anti-stomach ulcers and diarrhea
    • Enhances immunity for the body
    • Treats burns, burning, softens skin and moisturizes skin.

For skin:

    • Softens and nourishes skin, protects skin from damage from harmful agents in the environment.
    • With its waterproof properties and many skin care ingredients, beeswax is an effective sunscreen ingredient.


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