390.000 vnđ
Beeswax is produced by the glands of worker bees, which they need to build the honeycomb and to seal the top of honey-filled cells.
- Research shows that to make 1kg of beeswax, you must use more than 3kg of honey and a small amount of pollen. Therefore, beeswax is a nutritious food that is not inferior to honey.
- Beeswax contains over 300 natural compounds, among which the main component is fatty-acid esters and other nutrients such as caffeine, phenethyl ester acid (CAPE) and bioflavonoids. Flavonoids have 20-30 different types, of which the most important are chrysin, pinocembrin and galangin. In addition, beeswax also contains monosaccharides, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, pro-vitamin A, E, D, nicotinic acid, folic acid, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc.
Fresh beeswax is almost pure white, whereas later it turns a yellowish brown color. It has a pleasant scent reminiscent of honey, propolis and pollen.
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The specialty of Lam Dong province is bee pollen and royal jelly. Moreover, longan honey and beeswax are also very appreciated.