Natural Royal Jelly

Some vitamins in the composition of royal jelly can be mentioned as: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), axit pantothenic (B5), pyridoxin (B6), biotin (B7), inositol (B8), axit folic (B9),… with benefits as follow:
- Prevents aging
- Reduces the risk of heart disease
- Regulates blood sugar
- Supports the immune system



Royal Jelly is secreted by the glands of young worker bees from 7 days old and older to feed the queen bee and the larvae. At room temperature, royal jelly has a butter-like texture, a slightly ivory color and is exceptionally nutritious. This milk is intended specifically for a queen bee or bees preparing to develop into a queen bee.

  • Ingredients: protein, about 20 essential amino acids for the body, glucid, lipids (mainly DHA - a type of unsaturated fatty acid belonging to the group of Omega-3 fatty acids - important in development and improvement wisdom), many B vitamins, biotin, PP ... and trace elements.
  • Functions:
    • Considered as a "miracle" food that helps prevent aging, improve longevity and health.
    • Active enzymes and minerals in royal jelly help regenerate skin cells, reduce wrinkles, dark spots, freckles.
    • The high amount of hormones in fresh royal jelly stimulating growth and improving physiological function significantly.
    • Helps sedation, good sleep, restful sleep, prevent insomnia, treat high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, D and other liver diseases;
    • Helps balance weight, prevent hair loss, strengthen bones;
    • Prevents cerebral vascular accident, arteriosclerosis, helps treat inflammatory bowel diseases, stomach pain thanks to the presence of Pantothenic;
    • Prevents and treats asthma, rheumatism, arthritis;
    • Develops well physical strength, intelligence, enhance eyesight, brighten eyes, restore sexual ability in both sexes, stabilize physiological hormonal disorders, impotence in men, infertility.


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