390.000 vnđ
Unlike many other types of honey, rubber honey not only includes rubber pollen but also contains a huge amount of nectar secreted from the leaves, formed by bees absorbed from the leaf juice of a rubber tree that contains a lot of glucose. It has a light yellow color, aroma, and sweet taste.
February and March is the time when rubber forests in the Central Highlands are in fall foliage season, when old rubber leaves fall off, young rubber leaves just sprout are the period when petiole produces the most honey. Few people know that not only flowers but also chlorinated rubber leaves also secrete a large amount of honey and bees love this honey very much.
- The quality and density of honey depends on rubber leaves (young or old leaves).
- Very good for human health: Contains a lot of simple sugars, vitamins, minerals, ... all essential substances of the body.
- Most rapidly crystallized among honey due to its high content of simple glucose.
- In addition to the same effects as common honey such as: antiseptic wounds; soothes burns, sunburns; cure cough, tuberculosis, sore throat, cold; cure stomach diseases and improve digestive system; providing nutrients for the body, ...
- Rubber honey also has an extremely precious benefit: it contains a large amount of glucose, which is non-hot, non-fat and can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream when used.
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The specialty of Lam Dong province is bee pollen and royal jelly. Moreover, longan honey and beeswax are also very appreciated.